Monday, January 21, 2008

My 11Favorite things/thankful things

11. The game of football. I have loved it since I first understood it. I figure about 20% of my time as an adolescent was spent playing backyard football. Ellen would tell you that 75% of my time as an adult is spent watching it on TV.

10. Drudgereport. I probably check out Drudge 15-20 times a day. I am a news junkie and have to know what is going on in the world, and Drudge links to everything.

9. California fresh produce. After living in various parts of the nation, and eating all varieties of vegetables and fruits, California has the best fresh produce in the nation, hands down (or hands on an orange, grapes, or strawberries).

8. TIVO/DVR. I love the fact that I can study and work all week, then when I have some time, all of my favorite shows and interests are there for me to watch, and I can skip right through the commercials.

7. Friday Night Lights. I have loved this show since it debuted last year. The acting is superb, and the character arcs are very realistic. Plus it has football in it :)

6. Sincere people. I can't tell you how frustrating it is for Ellen and I to meet someone or speak to someone who give us lip service, but are never genuine with what they say. It is so easy to see through people who aren't sincere, or who stab you in the back the first chance they get. Thus, there is a special place in my heart for sincere, genuine people. We hope we can always be that kind of person to our friends and family.

5. Mild OCD. Hey, it keeps the house clean, and everyone stays calm!

4. International Marriage. There are obvious communication gaps sometimes, but I love the fact that I am part of several cultures now, and have the chance to learn so much from other people.

3. Upcoming fatherhood. We are excited, and I am very excited. I've been waiting for this for a while, and I am excited for all of the New-comers/Costners this year!

2. Parents who care. My mother in law, who communicates with me through grunts and gestures, actually shed a tear when I hugged her goodbye a few weeks ago. I assume its because she will miss us, but it could be because maybe she doesn't think I can take care of her pregnant daughter. At any rate, one of my favorite things is that I can always call up mi madre y padre at anytime, and talk to them about anything, and they don't judge me for what I think or love me any less.

1. My wife. What can I say? I have the most beautiful but low maintenance wife in the world. She is content with being at home, planting her garden, cooking always fresh all the time meals, finding bargains on baby clothes, helping her disorganized hubby stay organized, motivating her sometimes lazy husband, and she is ever patient and forgiving. I love coming home, it is the most stress-free place on earth for me to be. Ellen uses clever ways to tell me I better do something or I will suffer..but she does it without ever raising her voice or making me feel like crap, but instead makes me laugh. If I could follow her example better, I wouldn't upset so many people with my temper!


dust and kam said...

I guess somewhere along the way, I missed the fact that Ellen is expecting. Congrats! That is so exciting! You just made my day! :) It makes me happy!

I loved your favorite things! Thanks for sharing!

Rebecca said...

What a sweet post...little upset though that you didn't add a number 12. "playing games with your sister in law" :)

Trevor said...

Sorry about the omission Rebecca. I'll post something about the amazing experience one gets by playing games with you later.

Lacey.costner said...

what a nice list!!! I was wondering where your numero sista would be on the list...every number I kept thinking...this has to be me well we love you and m iss you and can't wait for you to meet little Hailey!!

Rebecca said...

I am waiting for something new and funny...or just new!

Dan and Janay said...

That was tender Trevor...tender.