Sunday, February 3, 2008

Unexpected Tears

Today I decided to watch the funeral of President Gordon B. Hinckley. I remember the past three funerals of prophets, Spencer W. Kimball, Ezra Taft Benson, and Howard W. Hunter. When I saw those funerals, I never shed a tear or got too emotional. I was more curious of how a new prophet would be called. This morning, however, I was overcome with emotion as I thought about the life, example, and spirit of President Hinckley. He is the General Authority I have been in the midst of the most. From the Chicago Temple dedication in the early 80s to regional conferences in Peoria, Illinois and Greenville, North Carolina, and Tokyo, Japan; MTC devotionals, BYU devotionals, Live sessions of General Conference, I have had the privilege of being in his midst. I will never forget when I was a freshly called missionary in the MTC, and there was a special first presidency broadcast to all the MTCs in North and South America, originating from the Provo MTC. President Monson, President Faust, and President Hinckley all spoke, and you felt the amazing love those three men had for each other. I felt so confident in the leadership of the church, knowing that President Hinckley was first in command under the helm of the Savior himself.
This morning, as I watched the casket being taken from the conference center to the burial site, I felt so thankful for this remarkable man, for his tireless work on behalf of saints around the world, and his humor, humility, and genius in orchestrating the largest period of growth the church has ever experienced. I hope that some day I can be in his midst again.

1 comment:

Lacey.costner said...

true true true...what a remarkable man!!