Saturday, June 28, 2008

Brother, can you spare $20, $40, or another multiple of $20 from your checking account?

Just a quick post about the ever-increasing sophistication used by those people formerly known as "bums" but whom I will now give proper respect by referring to them as "Geniuses in the art of panhandling" or "Gips" (pronounced "jip")for short. 

My bro Ryno was in D.C. a few weeks back, and, being from Utah Valley where there aren't so many gips, he was unprepared for the assault. Walking back to his hotel one night, a pack of sophisticated Gips approached him. (I am seeing some pack of hyenas chasing a lame zebra in my head right now). One asked Ryno "Do you have a couple of bucks I can use?"  to which Ryno foolishly replied "I don't have any cash on me right now." The gip simply pointed to the ATM machine nearby, and informed Ryno how he could go ahead and pull cash out right there for him. Ryno actually obliged, forever bringing shame upon himself. Anyhow, Ryno developed a pretty effective technique for dealing with gips the next time. He will simply use their own ploy back at them. Next time someone asks him for some cash, he will reply "Gosh, my mother, father, and Dad are all in the hospital right now with scabies, and can't afford the cream they need to get rid of it. Can you spare some cash?" This usually makes the gip flee. 

1 comment:

Lacey.costner said...

LOLOL I LOVE it!! Yeah, I always say...ummm yeah I don't have any money either man, maybe I should get into your line of work.