As readers of this blog may or may not know, there is a tremendous battle being fought in California right now over homosexual marriage, which one Christian leader has termed "The Gettysburg of the Culture War." In 2000, 61% of the voters in CA approved Proposition 22, which stated "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California." The will of the people defined marriage as between a man and a woman. This spring, the California Supreme Court, in a 4-3 decision, declared Proposition 22 to be unconstitutional, overturning the will of the people. Now there is Proposition 8, which seeks to place into the California Constitution an amendment defining marriage exactly how Proposition 22 did, as being between a man and a woman. While campaigning for Prop 8, many people have asked me why gay marriage is such a big deal. "Who does it hurt?" "Who cares if gays can be married?"
The reasons are many. I encourage everyone, whether for or against Prop 8, to watch the video through the link below. It lays out the problem with the court's decision, and the long term ramifications from the decision, not just in California, but for the entire country. The real loser in the court's decision is religious freedom. No one can honestly say that allowing the union of homosexuals to be defined as "marriage" does no harm.
***Warning: within the video are several scenes of homosexual wedding ceremonies showing kissing between the couples.***
Thanks, if you don't mind I'm going to post this on Opine also.
As far as the Gettysburg in this war, it is an important place to make a stand. You know, in Massachusetts the people were never given the opportunity to decide this matter. Its been a difficult story to watch over there, one that I fear is eroding the principles of democracy itself.
Its been an active phrase in my mind from the title of Liberty, "In memory of our God, our religion, our freedom, and our peace, our wives and our children."
Neutering the definition of marriage seems to impact all of those areas directly.
Trev, I can't thank you enough for being on the ground floor working for this proposition. The Proclamation on the Family that was unveiled 13 years ago should be at the heart of every LDS family's beliefs. I believe it will be the standard of liberty for our day.
Thanks again for working for this.
Your concered paw,
Ok Talking Politics puts me in a murderous rage. This subject also makes me upset so I can't even watch the video. The commercials that have been put out are already making me scream at the TV.
I've had several attempts by a blogger named "Chino Blanco" to comment on this post, but all of his attempts include links to websites describing apostles as racist, and seek to portray the LDS church in a very negative light. Because "Chino Blanco" is an obvious apostate, and seeks to destroy the Church and also the movement to pass Proposition 8 here in California, I will continue to reject his posts.
Since I can't leave comments for Ellen I wanted to have you tell her that the one month birthday cake was super cute and I love Rayley's dress! (ps, who is the woman in the photos?)
Rebecca :
I like the cake too ...haha
Rayley's dress is from elissa ,thanks ryan &elissa by the way.
the lady is from taiwan , she is the one cooks the chicken feet soup for me !!!!
I was so busy that day only pic has rayley is with her
I check your blog every so often and love that you have lots of pictures of Rayley on that. I love that picture of Rayley with the watermelon, her hair is sooooo long and pretty! Ellie is going to be jealous of that thickness and length!! :) Can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks!
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